Infrastructural Speculations
Reflecting on systems and infrastructures of secondhand

Reseller Rituals
Using arts-based and design  methods to playfully explore  issues of value and labor in reselling and secondhand economies.

Futures and Fictions in secondhand Economies 

Introduction to  strategies, methods and practices to imagine and build alternative futures for secondhand economies

Algorithmic Ecosystems in Reselling (Intro)
A discussion on how algorithms  are  understood in reseller communities

The Stuff we resell: Material and Embodied time
An exercise to think about  temporal material entanglements

Intro to Feminist Economics for Reselling

We talk about concepts like care work and time poverty.

Time-use and Wellbeing 

Discussion of additional concepts used by feminist economists which contextualize reselling labors.

Trash Work Futures: A Design Fiction
This design fiction presents an ecosystem involving workers who resell fashion Trash for a living in cooperation with automation technologies and regulatory organisms.

Pivot or perish: hazards of selling clothes on Instagram
In this paper, Ayres outlines some of the hazards vintage sellers experience, and the pressure they face, while selling online via Instagram.

A Discussion on the Intersectional Wheel of Oppression
Organizers of the Reselling Imersion discuss their intersectional experiences with reselling and secondhand clothing.